Our Warriors Who Inspire Us

Jaida Chartier






June 13, 2023


Jaida simply is a true warrior. Her journey began in May of 2023 where she was suffering from shoulder and neck pain and the occasional nausea. After some back and forth with her pediatrician who treated her for a pulled muscle in her neck, we brought her for an eye exam on May 30th. It was there that her optometrist noticed pressure in her eyes and sent us to the hospital for CT scan. Following the CT scan, the doctor at our local hospital advised us that they couldn't treat her condition and we would be sent to the nearest Children's Hospital 2 hours away (London, ON). We boarded an ambulance that took us to the airport and from there, we were airlifted by Ornge helicopter to London's Health Science Center - Children's Hospital. We were scared and overwhelmed.

On June 1, 2023; we would meet with her medical team where they informed us that Jaida had a tumour on the thalamus portion of her brain and she would need to undergo surgery to remove as much as possible as it was causing hydrocephalus. Jaida underwent this 5 hour surgery on June 2, 2023. Following surgery, she was unable to speak but would answer questions by nodding her head. In the days to come, she slowly improved and her ability to speak came back. We would wait 2 weeks for the results of the biopsy and on June 13, 2023, our worst fear came true. "Your daughter, Jaida, has Stage 4 Diffuse Midline Glioma with H3K27M mutation. This is a very aggressive cancer and outcomes are bleak with less then a 1% survival rate." These words play over and over again in our heads. We were frightened, we were scared but we believe in the power of prayer and God will be the only one who chooses ones fate. Despite being overwhelmed with emotions, we stayed strong for Jaida and our two other girls, Sienna and Nylah.
On June 18, 2023; Jaida condition worsened with high fever, vomiting and generally unwell. We would soon learn she was fighting a post-surgical infection, Meningitis. Jaida slowly began to improve with heavy antibiotics and by weeks end, she slowly began to turn the corner. During this time, Jaida was still unaware she had cancer as we wanted to make sure she was healed from her surgery and subsequent Meningitis.
On June 23, 2023; we broke the heart wrenching news to Jaida with the help of our social worker. To this day, it tears us apart seeing the fear in her face. But she was strong, stronger then we could ever imagine - she cried and then she was ready to beat it! Soon she would be fitted for her radiation mask where she would undergo 30 sessions of radiation and started 45 days of chemotherapy. Finally, on July 6, 2023; Jaida was discharged from hospital to outpatient cancer treatment.
From June 1 to August 18, we would spend our summer 2 hours away from home and family at the Ronald McDonald House in Southwestern Ontario while Jaida underwent outpatient cancer treatment. We met new friends who were enduring the same obstacles our family was, we explored our "new home and city" and we made the best of it. Jaida would learn that she was the recipient of a Make-A-Wish trip while undergoing treatment and was apart of the planning stages as she chose Disney (and more importantly for her, Harry Potter World at Universal Studios).
Then the day came, August 18 - her final day of radiation! What a whirlwind of emotions - we were so proud of her, she faced each day head on with a smile on her face and through it all, she was feeling great!
The following months would see us head on a family vacation to Blue Mountains, Ontario (just 2 days after returning home), we experienced a trip of a lifetime thanks to Make-A-Wish in September to Disney World and Jaida would return to school and dance. Jaida would continue subsequent multiple rounds of chemotherapy and undergo regular MRIs. In December 2023, after her MRI, it was determined her cancer had spread and she would have to undergo more radiation. She was ready, nothing would stop her and beginning in January 2024, should would undergo another 10 sessions of radiation along with chemotherapy. This time around, she was quite ill from the radiation but she pushed through like the hero she is. She would enjoy two family vacations in March and April to her favourite destination, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, before receiving more bad news. Following a regular scheduled MRI, it was found that her cancer spread again and treatment options were becoming limited. She couldn't undergo more radiation due to the toxicity of it and her doctors felt previous chemotherapy regiments weren't working. Her medical team would apply for compassionate use for a drug being used in the United States, called ONC201. Thanks to Dr. Korones at University of Rochester Medical Center, she would be subsequently approved finally beginning the medication May 29. Through May 2024, Jaida's health rapidly declined. Her mobility was limited, relying on walker or wheelchair and her ability to speak soon would vanish. On June 4, 2024, Jaida was admitted back at London Health Sciences Center - Children's Hospital and in the coming days would undergo two surgeries for bi-lateral shunt placement in her brain to relieve pressure in hopes of returning her mobility and speech. The surgeries were a success as they relieved the pressure on her brain but unfortunately her cancer spread further and was currently robbing her ability to speak or walk. Through June, her ability to communicate through head signals diminished and following a seizure on June 22, we were told that they didn't believe she had much time. Our family and friends would surround us at the hospital over the next few days as we were faced with some of the hardest conversations and decisions we would ever have to make.
Her doctors left the options up to us if we wanted to continue with her clinical trial and without a thought, we said yes. They felt that she wouldn't make it to week 8 of the trial (where it was noted that this drug did show efficacy) but through our faith and belief in miracles, we were determined. This coming Tuesday July 23, marks week 8! And over the last 4-5 weeks, we feel there has been some improvement - she is awake more, she moves her eyes to people when they are talking and generally, her oxygen and heart rate has improved.
Jaida is simply amazing - facing every hurdle and roadblock with strength and tenacity! She is fiercely determined! She has the ability to give hope when you are hopeless, and to light up a room with her infectious smile! Through her faith and our belief in miracles, Jaida will be the 1%! #JaidasJourney #JaidaStrong